The Power of Choosing Connection

The Power of Choosing Connection

I’ve been kind of quiet lately, taking in the rapid-fire changes going on in our world. So much to process. I feel many things, but the biggest is hope. Hope in that the opportunity for change is before us, the call to make the world a more beautiful place is...
The Lie in Selling “Transformation”

The Lie in Selling “Transformation”

Yesterday I finally had a chance to tune into my dear friend’s new Podcast “The Kitchen Table Activist”.  Her mission is to inform people about some of the hard stuff going on in our world and to offer up some things people can do to change these situations....
Selling and Vulnerability

Selling and Vulnerability

The conventional model of selling does not entertain the idea of being vulnerable. Why is everyone looking so hard for the perfect formula to follow to make sales? (And everyone selling this!) We don’t want risk. We don’t want uncertainty. We don’t want to emotionally expose ourselves. Who the hell wants to do that?

The Best Get Rich Quick Method I Know Of

The Best Get Rich Quick Method I Know Of

I received a letter in the mail a few weeks back requesting a donation to a non-profit in my neighborhood that grows produce organically, specifically to give to our local Food Bank. This is a mission that certainly speaks to me and I would love to support, however,...
Our Needs are Gifts

Our Needs are Gifts

The other day I listened to a recording from one of Marshall Rosenberg’s workshops (he’s the founder of NVC- non-violent communication). For those who aren’t familiar with his work, what he essentially teaches is the art of communicating compassionately, without...