About Working With Me:

I have been gifted with thousands of one to one selling exchanges, thousands of opportunities to meet and connect with all kinds of people. This experience has totally transformed my life and how I view the world and has formed the foundation for what I know to be possible in the world of selling and business as a means for transformation. 

I lean in on this accumulated experience to help others sharpen their own knowing, clearing out old habits and forming new ones. Seeing new possibilities for ways of being and engaging others that they hadn’t realized were possible.

I do not “help” people but rather I act as a mirror, revealing to others what 

they already know (but perhaps have forgotten). I act as a guide in the process of de-conditioning, of clearing out the layers of false truths and strengthening a new way of selling one’s work in the world. 


 Some of the reasons people work with me:

  • To unlearn the idea that selling is inheritly bad, dirty or manipulative and to come to understand it as a valuable skill in effective communication
  • To figure out how to live a life fully aligned with your values and be supported (including financially) in that process
  • To get unstuck from being in perpetual “learning mode”.  No, you do not need another sales course before you offer and sell your work in the world! I will only help highlight how you are ready now.
  • To learn how to follow one’s own authentic impulses in business and trust (and even love) the process
  • To develop a deep confidence in fully showing up as yourself, including communicating effectively in your own unique voice and style

  • To think outside the box of conventional structures and formulas for selling, sharing your work and finding clients. Including coming to know clients as allies, supporters and often friends.
  • To break free from the pain and  limitations felt  after taking too many online sales courses

Essentially I am here to reveal a path to becoming effective at selling that feels incredibly aligned in the heart. 

If you want to read more about my philosophy on selling and/or  the journey that led me there you can read more by clicking on the blue highlights.   You can also read more about the courses  I offer here.  Or work with organizatons & companies? Click here.  Or maybe you are sold already on what you need! If so please email me here and we can schedule a time to meet.



$50-$100 Sliding Scale (for one hour)


 Please email me here if you would like to schedule a meeting. (Or have any questions)

I also offer a no cost preliminary 15 minute meeting to see if working together is a good fit. 


Vie is a beautiful gift to all of us, here you have one woman with a huge amount of love and vision who really is walking the talk. She brings something so needed and in such a clear and powerful way. I felt a massive disconnect between my passion for my work in the world and the prospect of going out and trying to sell it. Even in the fields of social and personal transformation, looking out at all the manipulative marketing, self aggrandizing promotion, and blatant focus on money and success just made me angry and confused.  Vie and I spoke the same language at the start, here is a person who gets it. I thought, what a relief! But the key was that she revealed to me how to put my knowing of how things should be done into actions that mean I am living my values and have fun while doing so. I have been directly implementing the things she has taught me and finding great success as I transition into new work. 


I have learned from her that selling is not something awkward and compromising! When you have your values in the right place and you embrace the whole process with a sense of adventure then it really is a path to the world we all want to live in. You can’t understand this in your head, you need to know it in your heart and orient from there. I could not recommend Vie and what she embodies highly enough! 

Lucy Rist

Copy editor & Meditation teacher

I’ve been working with Vie for almost a year now and she is an AMAZING sounding board for me! I’ve had a weird relationship with money and selling and she’s helping me adjust that mindset so that I show up in an authentic way for my clients. With her help, I’ve gone from being scared to ask for money to loving the process and stepping into asking for the sale in a way that feels like ME!
Michelle Burke


Before I hired Vie, I struggled alone with frustration and confusion in a sea of marketing and sales advice that was in conflict with the honest, mutually respectful relationships I want to cultivate with people. Now I have a savvy, heart-centered advisor and coach who listens deeply to my desires and concerns. She partners with me step-by-step to develop marketing and ‘sharing strategies perfectly tailored to, and in alignment with, my desire to grow a thriving business from a foundation of authenticity and profound service. It is an honor to have her on my team!

Laura Greiner

Professional Urban Gardener & Facilitator

You remind me that it really is simple. All there is to sell is our truth.  Thank you for helping change how selling is often done in this world and bringing back TRUTH to the process.

Nelly Smirnow

Podcast Creator and Host, Unmasking the Truth