My philosophy on Selling:

“Communication is merely an exchange of information, but connection is an exchange of our humanity.”                                                                                                                             -Sean Stephenson

In it’s purest form, the bottom line of a selling exchange is not money but  connection.   

Selling is something we do every day; we try to encourage others to see the value in our view, idea or request. We “sell” to our children, family, friends, we sell ourselves during a job interview, on a date, or when we have an idea we want to share with a friend or colleague.


The process of selling represents our intention and way of interacting with others. Unto itself it is not intrinsically good or bad but a means of communication that requires real skill in order to be effective.


This effectiveness is found when we connect with what we most deeply care about in our hearts and share those motivations and values in a way that connects to the heart of another. When we have a product or service we are passionate about, it fullfills us at a deep level to offer this to another, and at the same time we are asking another to help fulfill a need of ours (sometimes this is money). 


Whether it involves asking others to buy a certain product or service, to consider an alternative view, or to do something for us – selling  is about compelling another to meet one of our needs.  We do this through inviting another to see what we see, to care about what we care about, through honesty rather than force and deception. When viewed from this perspective, selling is not something separate from the rest of life.  It is intrinsic to who we are and most importantly how we are in relationship with each other.


How selling creates the world we want to live in:

“What we speak becomes the house we live in.”  -Hafiz   


How we sell, the values and beliefs that drive where we connect from, have the power to transform our world.  In this way selling can become the ultimate ritual for spiritual practice.  The questions underlying this practice being: What do I really believe to be true about the essence of life? How does this translate to my view about the people I am selling to? What would that look like as I engage with other people? What needs to shift within me to approach another from my values?  This practice requires continually aligning with what’s most life affirming in us.


If our goal is a more loving, connected world then we have to be aligned with love in our selling exchanges.  This requires vulnerability and trust, and even the willingness to confront our shadows and unconscious beliefs that keep us separated (even when we preach the need for something different).  When we approach someone with a fundamental knowing that they are human just like us and at their core desire the same things;  love, connection, respect, safety – we end up creating this together.


If we are going to “sell” anything, we have to embody what we believe in as we sell it.   Essentially we have to buy first.  Every moment within a selling exchange becomes an opportunity to re-align and affirm for ourselves what we know to be true about life.


When we approach selling this way it truly comes from the heart and we are brought to straight to the present moment with each other. This is the place where connection and truth emerge. This is the power of selling from our hearts.



Selling happen on an energetic level:

“We are like islands in the sea, seperate on the surface but connected in the deep.”  -William James

Selling has very little to do with strategy or technique and everything to do with our inner alignment.  Understanding what is happening below the surface of our interactions with another person is crucial.  It’s a process of aligning with the laws of metaphysics.  Our true power is found  from connecting with ourselves and our source (whatever we call that: god, the universe, love).  When we align at this deeper level, true connections happens.  This is the most powerful place from which to make a sale.

What I believe in and try to live by:

“My life is my message”   -Ghandi

I fundamentally believe that life is benevolent. That every person is essentially good and knows what’s best for them. That “success” is our ability to be feel fully alive and engaged in this present moment. That freedom, the freedom to be, know and express ourselves is the driving force of the universe and source of fulfillment for all of us.

My mission in all I do, is to sell this deep knowing.